show episodes
Neil Sattin interviews John Gottman, Sue Johnson, Harville Hendrix, Peter Levine, Stan Tatkin, Dick Schwartz, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Diana Richardson, Terry Real, Wendy Maltz - and many others - in his quest to dig deep into all the factors that keep a Relationship Alive and Thriving! Each week Neil brings you an in-depth interview with a relationship expert. Neil is an author and relationship coach who is enthusiastic and passionate about relationships and the nuts and bolts of what mak ...
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Providing the best tips on advice to help you have lasting love. Join Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers as they interview the top relationship experts to help couples and singles keep their love passionate, strong, and enduring. Guests include Dr. Harville Hendrix, Dr. John Gray, Tristan Taormino, and many other well known experts.
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This show explores the life of Jimmi Seiter, who worked in the music business from 1966 to 1983 as a musician, roadie, road manager, manager, engineer and producer. Hosted by Ash Seiter, his son, the show features firsthand accounts and stories about all of the artists, producers and music personalities that Jimmi worked with over the years; The Byrds, The Flying Burrito Brothers, Flo & Eddie, The Runaways, David Cassidy, Rocky Burnette, Terry Melcher, Kim Fowley, Brian Wilson, Dobie Gray, G ...
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show series
John 3:1–21 3 Now there was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: 2 the same came unto him by night, and said to him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that thou doest, except God be with […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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The threat of the community being overwhelmed by the non-Christian world does not mean that the faithful retreat. Instead, John depicts two “witnesses” prophesying during the period when the “temple” or community of faith is oppressed. The character of their message is indicated by the sackcloth that they wear, which indicates that they are calling…
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Matthew 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 38 Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. 39 For I say unto you, […]…
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There are several forms of eschatology that understand the visions from Revelation chap 4 up through 22:5 as referring exclusively to a future time immediately preceding the end of history. The most popular form is dispensational futurism, which interprets very literally and generally sees the order of the visions as representing the historical ord…
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I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, ‘Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months. This […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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There was an excursus in the series of seals between the sixth and the seventh, so is there one here in the series of trumpets between the sixth and the seventh, this excursus is divided into two parts. First, the angel and the little scroll (chapter 10) and, second, the two witnesses (chapter 11). Whatever […]…
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There is No Audio For This Weeks Sermon. Sorry For The Inconvenience. Trumpet five and six On the sounding of the fifth trumpet a star that had fallen received the key to the shaft of the Abyss. The star is an angel; fallen, yet remains an instrument for doing God’s will (the key to the […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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The First Trumpets Our secular age has tried to teach us again and again and again that things either happen by chance or that they are without moral significance or that they are the product of nothing more than accidental happenstance and shifting cultures. Help us Lord God, that we may see with the eyes […]…
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The 144,000 7:4 And I heard the number of them that were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel: 5 Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand: 9 After these things I saw, and behold, a great multitude, which no man could […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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We come to seal five, the events of this seal is not taking place on the earth. 6:9 “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. 10 They called out in a […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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1 Thess 5:16 Rejoice always; 17 pray without ceasing; 18 in everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus to you-ward. Romans 1;21 because that, knowing God, they glorified him not as God, neither gave thanks; but became vain in their reasonings, and their senseless heart was darkened In the […]…
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Revelation 4 gave us in colorful imagery of apocalyptic literature a vision of the throne room of God. What stands out in Revelation 4 is how God is transcendent. He is spectacular, He is to be worshiped because he is God, and he is Creator. One does not just stroll into his presence. The very […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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Judges 2:6–14 10 And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, that knew not Jehovah, nor yet the work which he had wrought for Israel. 11 And the children of Israel did that which was evil in the sight of Jehovah, and served the Baalim; 12 […]…
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After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’ At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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I stepped away from the Relationship Alive podcast for a "quick break" that was only supposed to last a month or two. That break became a journey of two and a half years, diving deep into questions about life, and meaning, and whether or not Relationship Alive should even continue. The journey also included a humbling exploration of where Relations…
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Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel says, “The opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference.” This may help explain our tendency to hate now the same people we were enough in love with to marry at some point in our past. We love and hate the people we feel intensely about. What do you think of […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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Mark 8:35 For whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s shall save it Charles Thomas Studd, who served as a British missionary to China, penned a famous poem that helps us to consider the only worthy way to use the life God […]על ידי Terry Hendrix
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It's easy to talk about being courageous - but how do you actually take action when it feels like a huge risk? Whether it's the decision to enter a relationship, or to leave a relationship, or all of the moments within a relationship when you might have to make a choice that feels a little edgy or scary - today's episode is going to focus on the pr…
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It's easy to talk about being generous in your relationship - but how do you actually put it into practice - especially when things feel unfair or out of balance? If you're stuck in fighting for fairness in your relationship, it's time to learn a new way of being together where shared success becomes the rule - not the exception. Today we're talkin…
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How do you keep your relationship strong despite the pressures that child-rearing can create? And how can you leverage your attachment styles in how you show up for each other to improve your relationship along the way? Our guests are Kara Hoppe and Stan Tatkin, co-authors of the new book "Baby Bomb: A Relationship Survival Guide for New Parents" -…
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When you can't be yourself in your relationship and avoid the tough conversations that you might need to have, it erodes your relationship AND your sense of self. Today we're going to focus on how to lean into conflict in ways most likely to lead to deeper connection with others as well as inner alignment within yourself. Our guest is Jayson Gaddis…
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Are there ways to build trust in your relationship - even if you're in the middle of a crisis? How do you identify your relationship strengths - and use them in these most challenging moments? Today we have a return visit from Dr. Peter Pearson, co-founder of the Couple's Institute (along with his wife, Dr. Ellyn Bader), and one of today's leading …
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In this episode, Part 3 of Seasonal Migrations, Jimmi shares his memories of Kevin Kelley’s drumming and discusses the first few months of the new Byrds lineup, including Gram Parsons. The new foursome plays for Robert Kennedy’s Los Angeles rally shortly before he is assassinated. With the addition of Doug Dillard, who had played on the Sweetheart …
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How do you find the place within you that's "ok" no matter what? And how do you use that place as a resource to help you handle the things that aren't ok? In today's episode I'm going to give you a quick-and-easy way to start your day on the right foot - while at the same time getting a clear look at what just might need to change in your life...wi…
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What do you do when you feel like you're the only one doing the work in your relationship? When things would just fall apart if you weren't on top of it? Or what can you do if things aren't going so well, and you're the only one who seems to care enough to try and make things different? And how do you know when it's time to stop trying...and walk a…
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If your relationship is going to thrive and stand the test of time, then what are the essential ingredients for that to happen? What do you have the "right" to do - and experience - in your relationship? And - like any time that we have rights - what are the responsibilities that go along with those rights? After this week's episode, you'll be able…
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In this episode, Part 2 of Seasonal Migrations, Jimmi shares his memories of Michael Clarke, his talent and personality, and discusses the last several months leading up to his departure from the Byrds. Michael has been having issues with his bandmates and the music they have been writing for some time but when his drum parts are replaced on severa…
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On Part 1 of Seasonal Migrations, our continuing saga of the ever-changing Byrds roster, Gene Clark makes his return after an eighteen month hiatus from the band. The Notorious Byrd Brothers is nearing completion in an antiquated CBS Studio B and Larry Spector’s presence is starting to show as he recommends bringing in his client Gram Parsons for r…
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In Part 2 of David Crosby: Flying High Until The End, Jimmi discusses the last few weeks of Crosby’s time with the Byrds and some of the events that lead to David being fired from the band. Crosby has been on the outs with the other bandmembers for some time, but his behavior towards the end becomes more erratic and it seems to Jimmi that he is try…
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In Part 1 of David Crosby: Flying High Until The End, Jimmi discusses the Byrds in the early days, a few of Crosby's idiosyncrasies, and how his behavior eventually became problematic for the band. From smoking marijuana on an airplane and at a CBS photos session, to playing with Buffalo Springfield at the Monterey Pop Festival as his bandmates wat…
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If you have an insecure attachment style (or your partner does - or both of you do) - can you have a healthy relationship? And how do you know if an issue that comes up is something that you'll actually be able to fix? Avoidant, anxious, island, wave - or secure - sure, it's helpful to be able to identify your attachment style - but what can you ac…
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In this introductory episode, host Ash Seiter discusses the genesis and premise of the show and introduces his father, Jimmi Seiter. Jimmi had a long career in the music business from 1966 to 1983 as a musician, roadie, road manager, manager, engineer and producer. He worked with a long list of different artists and producers during his career, inc…
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Have you ever gone through a major life change, and then, in retrospect, wondered how you could have possibly been living the way that you were living? Everything seemed so great at the time, right? Or, at least, great enough. But when the spell is broken, and the veil is lifted - suddenly everything looks different. Hindsight is 20/20 - and one of…
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Modern dating can be so challenging. Simply finding good people is challenging. Knowing how to take a relationship to the next level, when to commit, or when to get out of a relationship so that you can find something better - that’s challenging! Today we’re going to focus on all the ways that you can get out of your own way, and use the power of b…
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When you want to shift something in your life, sometimes the scale of the change can seem daunting. So how do you get from point A to point B (or...point Z) in a way that's actually doable - and sustainable? It can be tempting to take drastic actions to make big changes - but you might sabotage your changes by falling into your old habits. Today we…
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