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Fighting Boredom in Your Workouts
Manage episode 282289778 series 11375
"Boredom, I think, protects the individual, makes tolerable for him the impossible experience of waiting for something without knowing what it could be."
Here's the deal: you will get bored.
We all love that new-car smell and sense of novelty when we start something new. The first couple of weeks on a new program or routine usually feels like you're really making progress, but then the honeymoon ends, and you find yourself knee-deep in The Grind.
The Grind is the inevitably boring middle part of a training plan when things stop feeling exciting and fun, and you might even wonder whether you're making any progress at all. And that's why most people quit or program hop sometime in the third or fourth week of a program.
Unfortunately, the grind is super-important. It's where you cement your learnings and really start making headway. Without the grind, you don't build to the eventual results you want.
The Grind can suck, but we'll show you how you can learn to love it.
1. Fighting Boredom in Your Workouts (00:00:00)
2. The Importance of Boredom & The Grind (00:00:46)
3. The Capacity for Boredom (00:05:56)
4. Finding & Remembering Your Why (00:12:27)
5. Trusting the Process & How to Reassess (00:18:15)
171 ืคืจืงืื
Manage episode 282289778 series 11375
"Boredom, I think, protects the individual, makes tolerable for him the impossible experience of waiting for something without knowing what it could be."
Here's the deal: you will get bored.
We all love that new-car smell and sense of novelty when we start something new. The first couple of weeks on a new program or routine usually feels like you're really making progress, but then the honeymoon ends, and you find yourself knee-deep in The Grind.
The Grind is the inevitably boring middle part of a training plan when things stop feeling exciting and fun, and you might even wonder whether you're making any progress at all. And that's why most people quit or program hop sometime in the third or fourth week of a program.
Unfortunately, the grind is super-important. It's where you cement your learnings and really start making headway. Without the grind, you don't build to the eventual results you want.
The Grind can suck, but we'll show you how you can learn to love it.
1. Fighting Boredom in Your Workouts (00:00:00)
2. The Importance of Boredom & The Grind (00:00:46)
3. The Capacity for Boredom (00:05:56)
4. Finding & Remembering Your Why (00:12:27)
5. Trusting the Process & How to Reassess (00:18:15)
171 ืคืจืงืื
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