show episodes

Exploring Awareness

Frank Anderson MD MPH and Lisa Barry

"Find Peace and Joy in the most unlikely places". Season One Season One of the Exploring Awareness Podcast provides listeners a dual learning opportunity. First, to learn about and, through guided meditations, experience Mindful Awareness, Being and Presence and the innate Peace, Joy, Compassion that come from this practice. Starting with the first episode and listening through to episode 62, you will increasingly understand how a Mindful Awareness perspective connects one back to the essenc ...
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show series
As the founder of a marketing agency, Christina Noel felt like she could find the tools and could figure out a plan for your business, but the most important thing she needed was the community to get you through it, to help you explore what you want, to help you figure out your leadership to pivot and pivot again, and pivot again. So she created th…
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Today's guest is Nathan Stuck. With a firm belief that business can be a force for good, Nathan brings a passion for helping good companies become great. He’s been working with firms pursuing B Corp certification since 2016, using the B Impact Assessment to align purpose with profit. About our Guest: Nathan Stuck is the chairperson of the board at …
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In 2017, Alex Lassiter had a successful exit from the first company he founded, and a few years later, he was ready for the next chapter. But what could truly make an impact on the world? He looked at his three young children and decided that the next 10 years would be the most critical on the environment, and it's up to businesses to step up - and…
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Trish Perkins is a fascinating woman who has lived life to the fullest. In the early 70’s, she lived on an Alaskan commune. Then she was a newspaper reporter, a high school French teacher, a high school English teacher… and then she thought she had carved out a job as a freelance non-fiction writer. But her path led her to where she never could hav…
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John Samuel, Founder and CEO of Ablr 360, has lived a life full of success, adversity, and adventure. Last week he spoke with host Alisa Herr about how accessibility benefits everybody, as well as how Ablr is providing opportunities for people with disabilities. This week we're sharing the first chapter of John's audiobook, Don't Ask the Blind Guy …
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The internet should be accessible to all, regardless of ability. Founder and CEO of Ablr 360, John Samuel joins host Alisa Herr as he details his journey. From his days in college when he learned that he was losing his sight to becoming the founder of Ablr 360, John shares all as he discusses how he has overcome his challenges to create opportuniti…
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Christopher Gergen's first entrepreneurial venture—a coffee shop bar in Santiago, Chile—was impactful, but more impactful was the man who walked in and introduced himself as a "cultural entrepreneur." In this episode, hear how that first project inspired him to support founders and transform entrepreneurship in the Triangle as a Founding Partner of…
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Lindsay Siegel is the Head of Impact a different kind of venture capital fund. Company Ventures is not just looking at profitability and return on investment - they partner with the next generation of entrepreneur that’s seeking to build with purpose. The firm has worked with over 250 founders who share a common dream of building companies the righ…
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Inside Impact host Alisa Herr sits with CEO, Founder, and Wizard of Things Basil Camu as they discuss his work, "Project Pando," and how his business uses education around trees to create a better and healthier world. Basil discusses the early beginnings of Leaf and Limb and their journey to today, the inspirations he received when he was younger, …
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Maria Kingery is a self-described impact junkie who believes that businesses have the power to change the world. And that's exactly what Certified B Corporations (B Corps) are doing. So what is a B Corp, and how does an organization get certified? Today, Maria takes us to B Corps 101 class and tells us all about the impact B Corps can have. She als…
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Johnny Hackett Jr had it made in corporate - good money, decent hours, healthcare, a respected title. Everything was going great, except Johnny felt like he wasn't making a true impact on the community. So right before he was about to get a nice bonus, he left to make a difference. Johnny Hackett Jr is the founder and CEO of Black Friday Market and…
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Welcome to Inside Impact, hosted by Alisa Herr, founder and CEO of Unity Web Agency. On this podcast, we’ll be taking you on a behind the scenes peek at how organizations can create positive change in their communities. We’re so excited to launch the show and have impactful conversations with some incredible change-makers!…
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It is with a very heavy and grieving heart that I share with you that Lisa Barry the co-host and co-founder of the Exploring Awareness podcast died unexpectedly on November 30, 2021. In this episode, we grieve together using David Whyte's poem entitled The Well of Grief, and a guided meditation, with emphasis on mindfulness of the emotion of grief …
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There is a deep place of connection within each of us, that is shared by all. In today’s world, distractions, conditions, and inflexible ideas pull us away from the present moment and our connection to each other. In this episode, we focus on the word RETURN as an invitation and intention to connect to a deeper sense of presence, an authentic sense…
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Episode # 61: The Myth of Self Improvement The self-improvement industry thrives on a fundamental myth that there is something wrong with you that needs to be improved. Where does the idea that “I’m not ok” come from in the first place? In this episode, we turn the idea of self-improvement on its head. What if you are already fine and don’t need to…
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Episode 60: Exploring Awareness Of Dualistic Thinking And Its Impact Opinions, advice and judgments tend to be experienced as having to be either this way or that way with little room in between, There is your way- which you might feel is the right, usual, customary, comfortable way and then there is the other way – which may seem wrong, not usual …
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Episode 59: Could Your Natural State Be Loving Awareness? A popular Ram Dass quote- “The natural state of the mind is pure love, which is not other than pure awareness”- sums up much of the dialogue in exploring awareness podcast episodes. The conditions in our current moment in history could lead one away from an open hearted loving awareness to a…
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Episode 58: Are Judgements Blocking You from Peace and Happiness? Judging, putting people into categories, assigning negative attributes, sticking with first impressions, even ghosting can become a personal and community norm performed without thought or consciousness. Self judgement as well stems from our experience with families and other cultura…
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Episode 57: How the Awareness of Change Can Lead to Peace and Ease Change is part of the human experience. Welcome change can be fun and challenging, unwelcome change can lead to resistance and stagnation. Changes imposed by family or work situations can be especially difficult to accept, especially if they appear without warning. In this episode, …
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Forcing oneself to "accept things as they are" or asking others to, sets up conflict, invokes defensiveness and leads to stuck, judgmental feelings. Exploring awareness leads to a spaciousness where the present moment event is allowed to be what it is- good or bad. This is not the same as allowing bad things to happen if they can be prevented- but …
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What is the Mind, and is the Mind just the neurological activity of the brain?. Although we don't solve this problem in this episode, this question helps create an "exploring awareness" perspective. By becoming aware of the brain as an amazing resource similar to computer hardware and software, the part of us that is aware becomes activated and rea…
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When you’re aware you’re aware- that is another level of existence that has an opportunity for some real peace and love and a real authentic experience with this very precious human life. It’s so precious and rare and it doesn’t last that long and there are so many ways that you can use it, so why not use it for good?…
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Episode 54: How Awareness Can Lead to Forgiveness and Self Compassion "Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past."- this quote by Lily Tomlin asks us to realize that the past is over, and failing to forgive keeps us locked in the habitual thoughts and judgements that keep us small and confined. In this episode, we discuss forgiveness o…
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What would it take to find Awe in a brick? How to experience Awe everyday is the topic of this episode. We discuss how there is a constant opportunity to connect at a deeper level and to be aware of what is happening in the present moment -as it is -without judgement, analyzing or overthinking. To allow yourself to be in the present moment and allo…
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While we often have great intentions to practice meditation and awareness, lack of a framework leads to inconsistency. In this episode, we discuss the foundations of practice from Adyashanti's book The Way of Liberation and provide a guided meditation to help get the practice started.על ידי Frank Anderson and Lisa Barry
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Episode 50: Exploring Awareness to Experience Unity Mindfulness practices and exploring awareness can lead to a deep realization and experience of Unity. When we practice the 4 foundations of mindfulness and get a sense of our true identity as pure awareness a deep realization emerges. Experiences of Unity first come and go in glimpses then become …
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Episode 49: Finding Joy in Knowing What Makes You Tick A “Joy that has no opposite” can be realized when we use mindfulness techniques to explore awareness. Happiness is wonderful too, but - as an emotion - comes and goes. The “Joy of Being” is always present. We discuss Joy as an essence of authentic human life that gets covered up by habitual thi…
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Episode 48 : Awareness of the Present Moment Plus a Mediation for Sleeplessness The actions of our mind are a wonderful gift as we enjoy past memories, solve problems and plan for the future. Taken to extremes however, our minds can come up with the details of past events so vivid, it is as if we are reliving them over and over again. Future events…
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Episode 47: Enjoying Awareness – A Big Fun Journey! Meditation and spiritual awareness opens up a wonderful sense of freedom and expansion that reflects an ever present inner sense of being. During the sometimes difficult work of spiritual practice, we catch glimpses of residing inner peace only to get pulled down the rabbit hole to more difficulti…
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How conscious are you of the words that you speak? Where do the words come from and what do they represent? Words are one way to communicate, and in this episode, we explore the awareness of what is happening in our mind that generates the words we use. Words used habitually, reflexively, and not formed with awareness may not represent the inner di…
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“Being mindful” means more than just the ability to focus or pay attention. Being mindful doesn’t mean getting rid of thoughts or getting to a relaxed state. Being mindful is not about something we need to do to gain something. In this episode, we discuss the “how” of mindfulness, we break down the definition and learn how to utilize mindfulness te…
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Looking to a Post-Covid World- what are we learning? The Covid pandemic is giving the world a long pause from routine and turning expectations upside down. Even as we may be nearing the end, this past year provided time to go inward, to see what is important, and note what may or may not have been working in life. Some did not have such a luxury an…
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Episode 43: Loving Awareness and the Freedom it Provides When one is mindful, a quality of “deep awareness” opens to wonderous opportunity for discovery and freedom. We call this now a BIG FUN JOURNEY. No longer are we just acting like robots running on autopilot, no longer just reacting to painful or pleasurable events - we are seeing the big pict…
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Episode 42: Thoughts are important, but do they define who you are? As we explore the various methods and issues in mindfulness and awareness, we often hear about how “ you are not your thoughts”. This is often said by experienced teachers to people starting out - and to the thinking mind, this does not make any sense whatsoever. If a mind is think…
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Episode# 41: The Art of Healing Your body is constantly wanting to heal itself, but the question is “how” to heal. Healing is a return to balance and wholeness - exploring awareness brings imbalance into view reconnection to a balanced core bringing a sense of healing. In this episode, we discuss the difference between curing and healing, and expla…
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Episode #40: Are you a Human Doing or a Human Being? We “do” lots of things- that’s what life seems to be all about. Many of the things we do are fun, some are not, and some just need to get done. The never ending list of things to do is always there, even if they are not written down. Meditation is probably somewhere on that list -may be near the …
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Synchronicity and Intuition When you explore awareness, fun things can happen! In this episode, we discuss Synchronicity- a concept made popular by psychiatrist Carl Jung who said that synchronicities are “meaningful or even miraculous coincidences that occur in your life” which are “experiences that seem far more significant than day to day encoun…
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Episode 38: Lessons From The First Year-The Anniversary Episode The exploring awareness podcast is a year old, and in this episode, Frank and Lisa discuss how the podcast got started, and their experiences over the year. “Exploring Awareness” has become a question - an invitation to a journey toward a way of being that includes and then goes beyond…
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Episode 37: What Is Your New Year’s Intention? The start of a new year brings opportunity. Instead of the typical “New Year’s Resolution”, why not consider a “New Year’s Intention” of exploring the possibility of another way of being in the world beyond what our current situations and culture offer. Some intentions of course can be practical and ma…
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EPISODE 36: Exploring The Spirit Of Gifting and Giving From A Heart of Generosity The holiday season is a season of generosity. Through exploring awareness, gift giving can take on a deeper meaning and reflect the core elements within each of us-peace, joy love and generosity. Where does generosity come from? It’s a human expression of love and con…
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Episode #35: Do painful things always have to lead to suffering? It is easy to say that pain is part of the being human and suffering is optional -but when you are in the middle of it, this can be difficult to hear. In this episode, we break down this concept- with a focus on mental pain. We discuss the mindfulness techniques and exploring awarenes…
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Are you noticing a lack of kindness in the conversation lately? We are all taught to be kind but thinking that you must be kind is different from “being” kind. What if kindness was an innate quality that is already a part of us? Through exploring awareness, we may discover that “loving kindness” is a core element that already exists within, no matt…
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What’s your “story”? Are you aware of the stories you tell yourself about what happened in the past or what may be in the future? “Being awareness” means we can know that we have stories, and in the knowing we can know who we are. It brings up the question- who are you - beyond the labels and conditions of life? There may be something more to life …
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Current times can seem chaotic, and cause us to experience a multitude of feelings and emotions. There are simple tools available to remind us how to connect to a deeper place of peace, love, joy and generosity. Tara Brach’s RAIN tool – Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture and Don Miguel Ruiz’s 4 agreements- Be impeccable with your word; Don't…
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Episode 31: What's Behind the Stories We Tell Ourselves? Exploring awareness of thoughts goes beyond just single thoughts to the sometimes elaborate stories we create in our own mind. In this episode, we explore awareness of what drives our need to create stories and figure things out. Clearly, we use our brains to solve problems but sometimes we t…
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Healing And Coping With A Major Medical Diagnosis By Exploring Awareness Living with chronic pain or a disturbing medical condition creates a great challenge but can also be an opening to exploring awareness. As paradoxical as it seems, these types of difficulties can present an opportunity for transformation. Physical pain can be accompanied by re…
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The Courage To Be Your True Self Finding Peace and Joy in the most unlikely places seems impossible given the way things are going in the world. In this episode we continue to explore how connecting to a stable inner core can be accomplished, no matter what the situation. Exploring the words “faith” and “courage”, and incorporating a guided mediati…
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Title -What You Resist Persists and The Only Way Out is Through Our collective challenge these days is a constant flow of difficult information that pulls us out of the present moment. Sometimes we think about things and anticipate different outcomes, none of which may ever happen. For many, this leads to a sense of fear or foreboding that is a con…
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Do you react or respond? What is the difference? Is there a sense of spacious freedom that can be naturally experienced? Exploring awareness 24/7 changes the way the day unfolds and just may result in a lived experience that doesn’t include angst and fear – but instead peace and joy. We have talked a lot about being aware using meditation technique…
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Ever think about what brings you a sense of security or what you may be holding on to in life that may not best serve you? Who are, or what are you attached to, and what would happen if you didn’t need to attach to anyone or anything including your own ego? Some people have a yearning for something more -it may be a loud voice or a just a whisper, …
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